The Journey Continues…

It was like this over 25 years ago when I did a similar journey with my father… the one that I have just completed with my son…. first trip to the university, where I would join and spend next 4 years and more important start the change – the becoming of a person that I am today. It was the first time that I was going to live away from family and I remember my mother who had come to the railway station to see us off – talking to me as the train was about to leave – all what you have learned so far will help you grow, have confidence and faith and add to what you know.. we are not far from you.. whenever you want to talk, see or meet – close your eyes and I will be with you in a moment…

It was Bombay, India then ; its West Lafayette, US now….. it was train then ;  it’s a flight now…… it was books and magazines to read then ; its  Kindle and iPads now…….it was waiting in a public phone booth and pray that the phone lines would work ; it’s the magical iphone now to talk anytime anywhere..……..what have not changed are hopes & aspirations and learning through a new world & be the person you are … I see it all over again – only this time its through my son.

Gen Y has moved in and they have their own ways to define next steps. Their confidence and conviction levels to take on a new chapter are certainly much higher than what it used to be with us.  The walks in the campus ; meeting with the counselors ; talking to fellow students ; understanding the balance of living independently and responsibly ;  academic, sports and social aspects of the college life… ..many questions and  multiple answers to each question. A lit up face and smile comes more often to Gen Y – as if they have seen the future and know exactly what they would want to do next.  I see an excited person in my son, ready to leap forward to take on a new phase…

As we left the city of West Lafayette to drive towards the Indianapolis airport at the wee hours …. Like a flashback, I remembered the hug my father gave me at the VT station, when he was returning to Patna after dropping me off at  IIT Bombay and his simple voice with clear message – you reached here because of what you have done so far, now its upto you where you want to go and how you want to lead the rest of the journey…

My son, I will tell you the same what my mother told me 25+ years ago, as the train was leaving the railway station….. “all what you have learned so far will help you grow, have confidence and faith and add to what you know.. we are not far from you.. whenever you want to talk, see or meet , close your eyes and I will be with you in a moment.”

From a dad to a son, the journey continues…

4 comments on “The Journey Continues…
  1. artiashok says:

    You making me almost cry with mix feeling of joy as well as exitment of our kids are ready to walk in our shoe…..

  2. pratiksray says:

    Great article….All the best for your son. Wish him all the very best in life!

  3. sanjoyg says:

    Very nice, best of luck to your son.

  4. ronynil says:

    Very well written, a lot of us can relate to your experience.