Year: 2009

Bay Area and India

Excerpt from my talk at the panel discussion organized by the Bay Area Council Economic Institute ; held at The Commonwealth Club, San Francisco on Nov 23rd, 2009 I want to take this opportunity to thank Bay Area Council Economic

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Yesterday, I attended a celebratory dinner meeting with our best team of the quarter and I was not only thrilled that they really really rock but more importantly was very pleased that this team has made winning as a sustainable

Learnings from my mother

Mothers day – it’s just not on the second Sunday of May each year… its celebrated every day of our lives – from the time we take our first breath onwards. Moms are always special and it’s so truly said

Power to People

I have watched with great interest and curiosity the race to first million on twitter that Ashton Kutcher won couple of days back ( interestingly over CNN !) and the subsequent coverage of both the platform and the celebrity by

Fighting Back and Growing Up

Traveling and meeting so many people is always a treasure hunt experience for me, more so when the macro-economic condition and overall growth of industry is not handsome and in many cases reasonably bad. Looking for silver linings and signs

Social Networking – Part of Mainstream now

The incredible pace with which facebook and twitter have become part of our life in the last 1-2 years; has demonstrated the mainstream arrival of social networking. It is moving away from being cool tools, only for teenagers and Generation

Nationalized Life – What’s the alternative

How does the world change and change so fast. From a free economy in US, where Govt had very little role to play other than setting rules and regulations ; to a time, that would not leave too many options

The show must go on…

How does life change over a period of ten days….and how after every visit to the ICU, we prayed that our dear friend recovers and recovers fast…. He was battling with second round of cancer for one year. Having won

Power of Self Within

Jan 09 – another 600 K job lost in US, last 12 months have seen more than 3.6 M jobs going away. Unemployment rate in US at 7.6% is at its 20 year high level. G8 has never seen this

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Hope – put to work

This week is going to be remembered not only in the US, but around the world as the one, that will signal the most dramatic and yet most meaningful change the history of mankind will witness for a long time

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