Tag: US

Small is Big: the impact of small and medium businesses

According to the US Small Business Administration, Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) accounted for 65% of the new jobs created from 1993 to 2009; 9.8 million of the 15 million new jobs created during this period were on account of

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Rejuvenation of US Manufacturing – an opportunity to reinvent

As per The Wall Street Journal, “The improving prospects for the (US) manufacturing sector — which is so large, it would be the world’s ninth-largest economy if it were a country — are becoming a hot topic.” News about manufacturing

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Global Development Presence

Although economic uncertainties continue in many pockets of the world, the next billion consumers are expected to drive ~$10 trillion towards global GDP by 2020. By the end of this decade, global GDP is expected to grow 40% to $90

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2011 – The year of People Power

Globally, if there is one element that stands out during 2011, it has to be People Power. Activism at the grassroots level around the world clearly set a new benchmark in recent times, with unprecedented levels of people’s involvement in

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9/11: a decade after

As my flight took off from San Francisco to Frankfurt yesterday, Sept. 11 2011, I remembered the fateful day a decade ago which changed US and the world forever… The first time I heard about the Twin Tower attack by

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Hope – put to work

This week is going to be remembered not only in the US, but around the world as the one, that will signal the most dramatic and yet most meaningful change the history of mankind will witness for a long time

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