Year: 2014

2015 – Welcome to the second half of this decade!

The middle of this decade is here. Much has been achieved in the first half and much more is expected from the second. While there are several key areas of focus which deserve attention and can create impact as we

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Keep an open mind

Last week I visited one of the top universities in the US, renowned for its educational programs and world class research facilities. All the meetings were pre-planned, well organized and proceeded as per the schedule. It was a phenomenal experience

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What do you do when things explode?

My daughter, a high school junior, asked me yesterday whether I had heard about the NASA rocket which exploded midair. My response was yes; I saw the headlines and read about it online. She continued to ask what you would

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Software Led Healthcare

Marc Andreessen stated, “software is eating the world” in his article for WSJ in August 2011. Looking around us, it is easy to see every facet of our lives, both personal and professional, being impacted by the power of software.

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Two August Heroes

Many a time you meet people who leave a significant impression with you. Some by their ‘change the world’ attitude, some by their courage and gutsy approach, some by their humility – irrespective of how successful they are – and

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No one remembers the footnotes

Recently, I attended a strategic governance meeting with a client, in which the joint teams presented the status of a critical program being reviewed by execs from both sides. The best practice which I have seen to work well happens

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Six Key Tenets of Awesome Teams

One of the questions I am often asked is what makes an awesome team? Over the years of working with global teams across industries and service lines, I think there are certainly a few key tenets which Awesome teams possess.

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Digitalization: the time to speed up is now

The unstoppable digitalization of enterprises is happening all around us. Businesses are being reinvented, rejuvenated or being freshly built by a new set of tools, technologies and ecosystem integration to leverage the digital advantage. Clearly, going digital is an irreversible

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Digital vs. Physical – what’s the right balance?

The ever increasing digitization around us has created interesting conundrums for various industries. Many business segments have become digital dominant, such as media, telecom, etc. Many others, such as retail, financial services, manufacturing, etc. are in the process of transformation

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It’s not just the data but what you can do with it that will define the winners.

Data is important. However, even more important is the critical Analytics which the data drives. Information needs to enable decision making, either through rules-based/automated decisions, or by people taking decisions based on the analytics presented to them. It is not

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Symbiotic world of net will continue to drive new possibilities

Successful companies have leveraged the power of the internet to drive significant growth in their businesses. On the other hand, companies which have not embraced the opportunities created by the net or have delayed leveraging the same have disappeared. In

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IoT – How will it change our lives & what opportunities will it drive?

Internet became mainstream around 20 years ago and what a rapid pace of technology development we have seen over these years. Our lives have changed dramatically with the internet playing a pivotal and enabling role at work, home, leisure, for

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