Tag: M2M

It’s not just the data but what you can do with it that will define the winners.

Data is important. However, even more important is the critical Analytics which the data drives. Information needs to enable decision making, either through rules-based/automated decisions, or by people taking decisions based on the analytics presented to them. It is not

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IoT – How will it change our lives & what opportunities will it drive?

Internet became mainstream around 20 years ago and what a rapid pace of technology development we have seen over these years. Our lives have changed dramatically with the internet playing a pivotal and enabling role at work, home, leisure, for

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The likely era of hyper-personalization

The online activities, trails, footprints and shadows which we leave in the connected world is the genesis for the hyper-personalization that everyone is trying to capitalize. We are moving into an era of hyper-targeting. Marketers are constantly trying to super-personalize

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The next phase of smartness…

Look around yourself and the chances are you will find a smart device around you. We are living in a world where devices are now becoming smarter at a much faster pace than ever before. Devices are connected, not just

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